Modern Energy Efficiency Solutions for Hotels

One of the biggest costs in the hotelier industry, is, of course, the energy consumption cost. Minimizing the energy costs is, without any doubt, one of the biggest challenges for any hotelier who aims to run an efficient and competitive hotel unit.

Amongst all the buildings in the service industry, hotel units are placed held the 5th position in what regards the energy consumption, being surpassed solely by food services and sales, health care and certain types of offices.

  • It is estimated than in 2001 only, the hotel unit around the world have had a total energy consumption of 97.5 TW/h.
  • In the year 2000, the world total of hotel rooms, have had an estimated energy consumption of 39 TW/h.

Given the facts, it is clear that the energy efficiency potential of a hotel it is significant, especially if we consider that a great deal of the energy consumption is caused by loss or wastage.

Energy Efficiency is the First Step towards Hotel Sustainability 

Besides lower energy costs, hotel energy efficiency brings another economic advantage to the hotel unit, namely supporting the sustainable tourism. Eco-hotels or green hotels have are more and more popular on the hotelier market because they have already integrated sustainable energy efficiency and conservation means, that have positive effects on the environment.

Amongst all the tourism branches, eco-tourism knows the most rapid growth at the moment. More and more tourists demand that the hotel they accommodate in is environmental-friendly, and by this we mean energy efficient first. No matter how we regard this issue, it is clear that hotels need modern solutions for energy saving.

  • For this, Calirom has created Senso Smart and Senso Smart Plus.

How Can Your Hotel Become Energy Efficient with Senso Smart

Specially designed to offer hoteliers an increased online control and at the same time an enhanced energy efficiency to the hotel unit, Senso Smart ( link: is the optimum solution for a sustainable hotel. Senso Smart has a software and a hardware component, namely a unique room access card that once introduced in the smart RFID card support with online connection, the guest can switch on the power in the room. Once the room access card is taken out of the support, the electric power in the room is automatically switched back off, and in this way, your hotel saves energy and consequently money.

Senso Smart Plus, the Heating Energy Saving Solution for Hotels

Created to complete our hotelier solutions for enhanced control and energy efficiency, Senso Smart Plus (link: brings the thermostat function, that enables the hotel staff to control various temperature scenarios in the room.

With Senso Smart Plus you can preset and activate 5 different thermal scenarios depending on room occupancy. This solution gives you much more control in what regards the thermal energy usage in the hotel room and reduces energy wastage costs.

Do Hotels Need Modern Energy Efficiency Solutions?

The answer is a big “Yes!” Modern technologies such as Senso Smart and Senso Smart Plus, that offer hoteliers more control over hotel energy efficiency, are already in high demand.

The Benefits of Using a Modern Energy Efficiency Solution in Your Hotel

  • Creating a sustainable hotel
  • Gaining competitive advantage
  • Larger profits due to reduced costs
  • Increased asset value
  • Protecting the environment

The modern solutions and technologies for saving energy in a hotel offer you all these benefits and much more, without sacrificing your guests’ comfort and convenience.

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