How to Fight Boredom for Hotel Guests?

Those who frequently travel for work can confirm that this type of travel can be quite dull and excruciatingly boring. And this, regardless of the hotel’s number of stars, service quality or very good staff. So, if you are a hotel manager who wants to fight off this „pandemic” that’s been hitting pretty hard lately, your hotel needs that extra something to keep a guest engaged.

International business travelers have declared the most bored when staying at a hotel. The reason is they travel for work and have not planned anything interesting to do or visit, unlike those who travel for leisure or are on vacation. Moreover, being foreigners, they are less satisfied with the TV grid, which is predominantly in the language of the country where they travel to.

So what’s to be done to reduce the boredom of guests in the hotel, especially the business travelers? Well, this was one of the things that we took into consideration when we designed InfoStream. If you are not yet familiar with what InfoStream is, we invite you to learn more about it right now.

InfoStream = The Anti-Boredom Solution for Hotel Guests

As you can tell by the name, InfoStream translates into information streaming between the hotelier/ hotel staff and the guest. But what kind of information are we talking? Well, everything that’s going on in and around the hotel during the guest’s stay. Promotions, special events, everything newsworthy or fun things your guest might be interest in partaking.

But What Exactly Is InfoStream?

InfoStream is a real-time communication and interaction platform between your guest and you; that comes with a dedicated mobile app. This means that your guest can easily use it on their mobile phone or tablet. With InfoStream you can keep your guest up-to-date with everything happening in the hotel, from upcoming and exciting events to discounts for hotel facilities, special offers or adjacent services that you offer. With this versatile and user-friendly app, your guest can quickly find out everything exciting or fun to do around during their stay.

Bored Hotel Guests No More

We are sure that there’s plenty things going on in your hotel, special events, fun nigths, that you put up especially for your guests to enjoy. But how do you manage to notice the guests in the shortest time, so they actually get to enjoy them?

Well, with InfoStream this is fast, stylish and mobile!

Hotel guest’s boredom is most likely a result of them not knowing what their options are in your hotel. With InfoStream, this is a matter of the past! In the end you will not only reduce the boredom factor, but also increase guest satisfaction with your hotel, ensuring that they return in the future.

For more information regarding InfoStream, please contact us!

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